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Writer's picturesfarahali

Thank you

Hello beautiful soul,

As we come to the end of year 2024, I would like express my gratitude and thank you for being part of my world. A world filled with Dragons, Feminine Christ energy, Healing, Past Life Remembering, Key Codes, Planetary Shifts and incredible Gridwork. A magical, loving and playful world.

We might have sat together in (online) Group, 1 on 1 Soul Sessions, or are connected through this medium, Facebook or Instagram. Either way, I love having shared parts of the journey with you.

I see you.

I feel you.

And I am grateful for you.

It is through connecting with other likeminded souls just like you, that I remember that I am not alone in this journey of reconnecting my soul. And it is my wish is that I can be that someone for you too. To be a sparkling star greeting another sparkling star in the night sky.

I feel that the coming year will be one of acceleration for the for a lot of us. We have been feeling held back in our energy for a long time. Now we are receiving a push to move forward. There will be momentum in this year of Transformation and Healing. Our Medicine, our Ceremonial spaces and our Compassion and Love will become more and more sought for as many more will awaken and find themselves in places we have been in before. You, I and many others have been preparing for this many lifetimes. It feels magical to see it all coming together.

So again: Thank you. Thank you for being part of my world.

I wish you a beautiful closing of this years cycle and a love filled beginning of the New Year.

With love,


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