At Summer Solstice, in the Northern Hemisphere, marks the moment when the day is the longest and the night the shortest. The Sun is at the highest peak and will not reach the same height the rest of the year.
Each summer Solstice holds the potential to ignite your dreams and to burn your fears in the fire. It is a celebration of the Masculine (Father Sun) who has one last change to shine at its peak, before the feminine takes over and the descend begins.
This Solstice on the 20th of June holds a potential for us all to connect to the Father and masculine energy within us and to release what is holding us back from integrating and connecting with healthy masculine energy. To create the space for the feminine to land in to safe ground and to move in to him, fluid, creative and chaotic as she can be. It is what we process in the Solstice portal, what we give to the fire, what creates the fertile ground for her to ground herself.
To be able to feel at home in our feminine bodies, to be successful in our lives and to honour ourselves at all times, we need an integrated healthy masculine. We need an internal father figure that helps us to not only provide, protect and support, but also to help us to feel our NO, to be disciplined, strategic and bold. Also our ability to play and to be seen are connected to masculine energy.
This Solstice wants to help us to see all places where there are sabotaging patterns related to healthy relating to the masculine. All of this is enhanced by the Full Moon on the 22nd. There is double force in enlightening energies. And that can be very uncomfortable.
I have been in deep process the last couple of days and the theme was
The spiritual, divine feminine in many ways has the feeling that she is on the battle field by herself. She is her sole provider, not only in these realm, but especially in all others. Holding a sword, ready to go to (galactic) war. A great fear of being seen is present in the oracular feminine which prevents her from truly speaking her vision. Feeling unworthy to receive abundance, unable to manifest and create.
The big question to ask yourself this Solstice is: “Can you let go of the sword? “ Can you return to softness, to love, to acceptance and to trust? If not? What do you need?
Where does your father in this life come in to the picture? Where do you battle with his presence, his energy, his gift and/or his role in your life? Asking the question will already open up the energy and help you to move through the portal with more ease.
This Solstice and Full Moon is all about healing your Father Wound. Anything in his presence or absence that made you feel less worthy, less seen and less loved. Once you see it, you can begin to heal it. One small step at a time.
Wishing you a beautiful Solstice & Full Moon portal. See you on the other end.
If you want to work with me this Solstice Full Moon portal, there are still 2 spots left for the Live Dragon Ceremony on the 22nd In Schipluiden, the Netherlands. Send me a PM if you would like to know more.
Much love, Saadia