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An illuminating 9 – month journey into upgrading the DNA untill the 13th Sun is shining brightly within



The Solar Christ Feminine Container is an 9 - month program, supporting the Divine Feminine to fully embody the Sophianic Template. To heal and restore more of the Feminine Essence in to our lives and at the same time on to this Earth.


This program is an opportunity to dive deep in to the space of Divine Feminine Solar Consciousness. Through monthly transmissions & quantum journeying we will step in to the etherical crystal temples and receive our DNA activations and initiations. We will be guided by Star Elders in portal work and timeline repair to repair the connection between our light body, the crystal network, the star systems and the Earth.


We will receive exactly what is needed for the evolution of our unique personal ascension journey.


Ceremony & ritual is the second part of this course and helps us to embody all that is activated during the quantum journey. Each month has its own set of practices channelled directly from the Divine Feminine Solar Consciousness and its Divine Feminine Ascended Avatars such as Mary Magdalene and Isis. The elements, blessing & prayer, decrees, clearing rituals and initiation ceremonies are all part of this experience.


Together with a group of Divine Feminines, you will step in to this path of the New Earth Priestess.


The Divine Feminine Solar Consciousness complements any other course on the Magdalene Rose or Isis temples, as this module brings in the new energies for the Divine Feminine through Solar Christ Consciousness.


We start the 1st of march 2023. Looking forward to welcome you in our circle. 

~ Embodiment practices & DNA Activations~

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White rose

content of the container





March – Welcome

  • Live Ceremony: Friday 10th of March – 21 pm


During this month we will be welcomed in to the field of Sophianic love and wisdom. A circle is formed by us all and you will feel welcomed by all sisters on this path of the feminine Christ who have lived before us and after us. Your personal intention for this journey will also be seeded and anchored and you will meet your multidimensional guides for the upcoming journey.


April – Holy Mother

  Live Ceremony: Saturday 8th of April – 4 pm


During this month we will work with the Holy Mother templates as we welcome in the feminine God principle, within and without. We will work with the Mother Arc and clear blockages, inversions, drainages and false duplicates of these templates. We will look in to the Dark Mother and how this is currently affecting your life now. We will work on illuminating our womb space and reclaim our power as creator beings. We will shine our light on that which wants to be healed and released until we are able to access the full potential of the Holy Mother essence within.


May – Holy Father

 Live Ceremony: Friday 19th of may – 9 pm


During this month we will work with the Holy Father templates as we welcome in the masculine God principle, within and without. We will work with the Father Arc and clear blockages, inversions, drainages and false duplicates of these templates and crucifixion implants as well as false king architecture. We will look in to these and how this is currently affecting your life now. We will work on illuminating our inner cosmic sun and reclaim our power as creator beings. We will shine our light on that which wants to be healed and released until we are able to access the full potential of the Holy Father essence within.


June – Sacred Feminine

 Live Ceremony: Saturday 17th of june – 4 pm


During this month we will work with the Sacred Feminine templates as we welcome in healthy relating with our feminine essence and our sisters. We will work with the Triple Goddess and clear blockages, inversions, drainages and false duplicates of these templates. We will look in to sister woundings and some of the galactic wars and holocausts and how these are currently affecting your life now. We will work on illuminating our Innocence and Joy. We will shine our light on that which wants to be healed and released until we are able to access the full potential of the sacred feminine essence within.


July – Sacred Masculine

 Live Ceremony: Friday 7th of july


During this month we will work with the Sacred Masculine templates as we welcome in healthy relating with our masculine essence and our brothers. We will clear blockages, inversions, drainages and false duplicates of these templates. We will look in to woundings of our masculine essence and feel in to some of the galactic wars and holocausts and how these are currently affecting your life now. We will work on illuminating our Trust. We will shine our light on that which wants to be healed and released until we are able to access the full potential of the sacred masculine essence within.


August – Golden Child

  • Live Ceremony: Saturday 5th of august


During this month we will work with the Golden Child templates as we welcome the christed child within. We will clear blockages, inversions, drainages and false duplicates of these templates. We will look in to woundings of our Inner Child and how these are currently affecting your life now. We will work on illuminating the Magical Child within. We will shine our light on that which wants to be healed and released until we are able to access the full potential of our Inner Child and have her as a powerful guide.


September - Sacred Union Codex

  • Live Ceremony: Friday 15th of September


During this month, we will work with receiving and anchoring in the UNITY Codex which holds the codes for Sacred Union.


Oktober – Earth Grid

  • Live Ceremony: Saturday 14th of October


During this month, we will awaken the Lion & Dragon within and we will re connect ourselves to the most highest possible timeline for Earth. We will learn how to work with our own Stargate system and how to anchor our purest vibration in to the grid of the Earth. As we connect with Mother Earth, Terra & Gaia, we will remember who we are and we are here.


November - Completion Ceremony

  • Live Ceremony: Friday 10th of November


During this completion ceremony we will anchor anything received and shared during this 9 month program. We will be initiated by the Rainbow Dragon Breath Initiation Ceremony.



~ Embodiment practices & DNA Activations~

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important dates


We start the 1st of march and the last gathering will be at the end of November​.


This means we will together move through Spring, Summer and Fall before we return back in to silence in Winter. 


Dates of the Live Ceremony (Amsterdam timezone)

Duration approx 90 min


Friday 10th of March – 21 pm

Saturday 8th of April – 4 pm

Friday 19th of may  – 9 pm

Saturday 17th of june  – 4 pm

Friday  7th of july – 9 pm

Saturday 5th of august – 4 pm

Friday 15th of September – 9 pm

Saturday 14th of October – 4 pm

Friday 10th of November – 9 pm

What you will receive for your investment


Lifelong access to the content and access to  the private Facebook-group: "Temple of

the Solar Christ Feminine"


Monthly group Zoom-call with tranmission and quantum journey. Q & A at the end.


Monthly embodiment practices. You will receive a monthly PDF with practices do to in and around your own home. Devotional prayers, blessings and recorded meditations.



Who is this for?

For the Divine Feminine who knows she is on the path of ascension. For those who want to deepen their connection to their higher self and their guidance team. As well as anchoring in more of their soul essence in to the body.


You may feel you are a sister of the Rose and/or a Melchizedek priestess. As well as Oracle, White Witch or Shaman. You have been waiting for your tribe to find support in becoming more of who you are and stepping in to your purpose here.  

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