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Guided meditation: white Rose & Ireland

In the month of June the ancient sacred lands of Ireland is calling the sacred feminine to retrieve her keys and codes. These codes will help her come one step closer to the full embodiment of the White Rose and the White Ray of the Mother.


The missing piece is in the stem of the Rose, there where the natural waters flow through her in to the base of the Rose flower. Nourishing her with the minerals that she needs to fully open her petals. I see a single white Roses standing tall on a green hill while winds blow and a heavy rain is pouring upon her. Beneath the soil, her roots are connected to the core crystal of the Earth and to all other Roses. But she is tired, worn out and weak. She has been strong for so long, malnourished and alone.


Mother Mary is overseeing this process of the White Rose anchoring in the land of Ireland and the collective evolution of the Feminine energy on our planet. She has called forth her daughters in remembrance of Sophia, the feminine principle of God. Her qualities are first being remembered en brought back in to the hearts of the feminine and then in to the land and in an infinity loop dynamic energy pattern, in to the heart of the masculine.


There is a connection to ancient battlefields of the Irish and especially to the warrior Queen Meri-Ta-Ten, Daughter of Akhenaton and named Queen Scotia after she came to Schotland and now lies buried in Ireland. She is part of the lineage of Sophia and she welcomes us to retrieve the feminine codes that are buried with her. We can be strong and compassionate. We can be powerful and soft.


Join the online ceremony and gridwork session to help you to retrieve your personal codes and strengthening the heart of compassion. 


If you cannot make it live, a replay will be sent to your e-mailadres. 


Thursday 13th of June. 9 PM Amsterdam timezone.


Guided meditation: white Rose & Ireland

€ 22,00Price

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